
My name is Claudia Schleyer and I am a consultant and designer for interactive exhibits in the context of science communications like exhibitions and Science Centers as well as all kinds of experience worlds or brand environments with eduactional approach.

haptick stands for haptic and tick… two things that go good together when  dealing with interactive exhibits.

This Blog features interactive exhibits and installations in exhibitions, museums, Science Centers and other contexts, as they spark my interest.

From interesting new discoveries, good and bad functioning examples up to funny or astonishing obersavtions during their use by the vistors.

Some of these exhibits were developed in the context of my work being Head of the Unit Interactive Exhibts at Triad Berlin – my last job position that I hold for almost six years..

Since August 2012 I am working as independent consultant on a freelance basis. Feel free to visit my homepage at ClaudiaSchleyer.com and contact me there directly if you need any consultancy or new ideas for your products and contents.

With best regards, Claudia Schleyer

Claudia Schleyer

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